书迷正在阅读:[综漫] 坑队友我们是专业的、炮灰渣攻洗白手册[快穿]、总裁蜜宠小娇妻、权门毒后、魔妃嫁到:蛇君的三世眷宠、万年老二的反击[穿书]、道系快穿、我终究是爱你的(GL)、重生后太子开始追求我、天才五宝:爹地甜宠俏妈咪
Luo Nan seemed to be a little displeased with the other party's movements so slowly, so he took a shot of the other party's flexible position, and jumped the entire person shot by Qi Zhen. "move." One word, full of aggressiveness. Qi Zhen almost broke his leg. Pooh! Qi Zhen just felt her legs soft and twisted her thighs. He never expected to suffer. But obviously, because Qi Zhen's speed is too slow, and the evil fire on Luo Nan's body o be rescued urgently, he 't bear it anymore. Qi Zhen's shirt was torn open, and immediately after he didn't respond, his suit pants were also torn directly. Qi Zhen : What is this operation Even when Qi Zhen was still in an aggressive state, the other party was ready to lubricate and parasol. Luo Nan's expression was calm, his face aralyzed, and he slaped the other's fair skin hard, and directly flushed the skin under his suit pants. Spit out another word. "move." Qi Zhen then jumped up like a cooked shrimp. "I'm a man, don't get rid of chrysanthemums." "It's noisy." Lola cold hum 1, uedly let JiZhen closed his mouth directly. Then, a stuffy hum, a pain hum. Casual ground was stabbed in the right place. "ah!" JiZhen whole person shivered. Luonan has been pletely in the winning place. He buckled each other's wrists and tried hard to open up two times. Finally, he let each other adapt to three fingers. At this time, he only got one shot into the hole. "ah! Ronan, you bastard! " Also don't know is an act or act, or was stabbed unscious, JiZhen actually shouted out the name of "luonan" in bed. This sound, like a switch, actually let Luonan more excited. He 棒ed like a mine for hundreds of times before it could be stopped. ** 次日一早。 洛南先醒了过来。 昨日之事,特别清晰。 洛南慢慢爬起来,看了眼旁边身上满是青紫的男人,忍不住露出了个愉悦的微笑。 昨日,如果他没有记错,对方叫了他“洛南”。 而他从未告诉对方自己的名字。 他在脑海中喊了声,“小缇,在吗?” 小缇这次倒是出现了。“宿主,在!” 洛南:“你不是说这次没有肖童的灵魂碎片吗?为什么对方却叫了我的真名?” 小缇呵呵笑了声,“哈哈哈哈,我也不是很清楚啊……也许有灵魂碎片吧?” 洛南:“要你何用?” 小缇:“嘤嘤嘤。” 洛南切断了与小缇的对话,下了床,直接去包厢中的浴室中洗漱了一番,这才用毛巾擦拭着自己潮湿的头发出来。 床上的齐贞依旧还在睡觉。 大约是疼了,身体竟然还在睡梦中痉挛了两下。 或许是确定了眼前的家伙应该并不仅仅只是个躯体,洛南对待他便也不会如以前那般随便了。 于是,他按下了服务铃。 很快,就有侍应生从门外敲门。 洛南此时已经穿好了浴袍,听到敲门声,便去开了门。 侍应生是个长相还算清秀的小伙子,也是昨日为齐少准备晚餐的侍应生,自然也就知道齐少到底做了些什么。 所以,此时他看见那个被下药的竟然生龙活虎地出现在他的面前,一时之间竟然还有点懵。 “帮我们准备一下换洗的衣服,然后帮我去买一下那事之后的药膏。对了,将早饭送上来。” 侍应生立刻应下,随即眼前的大门便被砰上了。 然而,侍应生却是傻愣愣地呆在门前了好久秒,这才同手同脚地走向了外头。 如果他的猜测没错……那他是不是会被齐少灭口? QAQ 救命! 侍应生心里到底在多么哭嚎洛南是不知,他此刻只打算好好捋了捋目前的情况。 齐贞=肖童,即齐贞=自己老婆,那么自己操他天经地义。 嗯,这么一想,浑身轻松,甚至还很高兴。 这个世界不用与自己的右手潇洒作伴了,真幸福啊。 晨曦的日光终于还是将齐贞给照醒了。 他动了动身体,很快就察觉到了身体的不适与身后奇怪的胀痛感。 (please tell me这里被锁的理由???) 因为刚醒时还有点头脑空白,所以他只是觉得自己身体被压了而已,甚至右手还在四处摸来摸去,企图摸到他平日里一直放在床上的手机。 “醒了?”一道熟悉的声音突然从他的房间里传出。 “……谁?”齐贞脑袋空白,睁开一只眼睛,略有点不悦地瞅声音的主人。 结果却是看见了一个穿着浴袍露出性感胸膛的男人。 而那个男人,还是他熟悉的人。 “□□?!”齐贞立刻从床上弹起,但他显然没有察觉到自己身体的问题,竟然一个用力扭到了腰,甚至还整个人瘫软在了床上。 “哎呦呦……”一时间,房间里便只有低低的哀嚎声。 随即,终于想起昨夜荒唐之事的男人直接恼羞成怒了。“你竟然……” 那个词,齐贞实在不想要自己说出口。 “怎么不继续说了?”洛南斜靠在房门上,心情愉悦到不像话。